Business Entity Formation
LLC Entity Formation
LLC Set-Up with state and all required docs.
Consultation on legal and tax and questions for the new entity.
We file all docs with state, obtain IRS EIN, and complete operating agreement, minutes, and corporate book.
$600 plus state filing fees
S-Corp Entity Formation
S-Corp Set-Up with state and all required docs.
Consultation on legal and tax and questions for the new entity.
We file all docs with state, obtain IRS EIN, and complete operating bylaws, minutes, and corporate book.
$600 plus state filing fees
Partnership LLC Entity Formation
LLC Entity Set-Up with state and all required docs. Includes additional consideration and drafting of partnership provisions into the LLC operating agreement (partnership terms) beyond standard LLC set-up.
Consultation on legal and tax and questions for the new entity.
We analyze best tax status, document terms, and file all docs with state, obtain IRS EIN, and complete operating agreement, minutes, and corporate book.
$800 plus state filing fees